Our advangeo® products cover the whole cycle of geo-scientific data management from field work (advangeo® Field Cap) up to exploration targeting (advangeo® Prediction Software).
At the event, you will meet Ms Antje Reißmann and Ms Silke Noack at our booth 22.
In addition, there will be several talks and presentations:
- On Wednesday, 2nd July 2014, at 1:00 p.m.: Workshop in the Lecture Hall 413 about "Prognose von Ereignissen/Phänomenen mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen" - Presentation of the software and the approach for modeling spatial phenomena/ events with artificial neural networks and GIS. The architecture and workflow of the software will be discussed using case studies (mineral prediction, geohazards, spread of pests).
- On Thursday, 3rd July 2014, at 5:15 p.m.: Product presentation by Ms Silke Noack in the EXPO Foyer about the product "advangeo® - Vorhersage von Ereignissen mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen".
- On Friday, 4th July 2014, at 10:30 a.m.: Technical presentation in the GI Studio about "Möglichkeiten der Modellierung und Bewertung der Kippenstabilität stillgelegter Tagebaue".
More information about AGIT 2014 can be found in the programme and on the webpage.