- Resource E!ciency.
Novel Approaches - Products and Processes for a Sustainable Society
Global chemicals and manufacturing industries consume large quantities of non-renewable fossil-based raw materials and energy whilst generating equally large quantities of by-product, CO2 as well as logistical congestion. At the same time they are at the core of our modern industrial society, developing and producing the key chemicals, materials, medicines and products that allow us to achieve ever better standards of living.
Current grand societal challenges, research, development and innovation trends o"er important opportunities to renovate and transform those industries in eco-e!cient high-tech solution providers, by switching to bio-based feedstock, by improving e!ciency of industrial processes, by recycling and reusing waste materials and by looking at the industry as an integrated system.
Finding sustainable "cleantech" solutions requires a strong commitment between research and industry to establish a new paradigm in sustainable production methodology for the European chemical- and bio-industry. Novel approaches are for example:
- to develop radically new "plug and play" modular chemical production technology
- to deliver holistic process design methods applying process intensification strategies
- to trial novel reactions and processes in modern production plants under laboratory conditions, closing the gap between research and industrial application.
North Rhine-Westphalia provides an excellent network of proven competence in these scientific "cleantech" disciplines at several universities and research institutions in tandem with industrial engagement.