In view of the current high demand of professionals for the metallic industry Westermann - Schroedel, Braunschweig, Germany, a famous educational publisher, in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for factory processing and -automation, Magdeburg, Germany, have developed an e-learning CD ROM and thus contributing to training programs for upcoming professionals in the metallic area.
Based on real orders - accumulated in the booklet "Metalltechnik - Grundwissen - Arbeitsaufträge" (Metallic Techniques, Basic knowledge, Manufacturing orders) the CD ROM provides the opportunity to make technical subjects and technical processes clear, descriptive and plausible as well.
"The purpose of the CD ROM is both to supplement theoretical knowledge and to get across with some practical know how. More over the aim is to push the e-learning program", writes the publishing house in its short instruction manual.
The presentation of content in a 2d/3d simulation has already proved as value to make the learning content descriptive for learners and lecturers as well. To animate and to visualize the application in 3d the Westermann educational publishing house has chosen the German based Company Bitmanagement Software GmbH, one of the leading supplier of interactive ISO based 3d software.
The Bitmanagement 3d software technology features benefiting interaction, which enables user to upturn and to move around demo-equipment or machine parts and to watch it from all angles. More over all subjects can be zoomed and animations can be shown in so called "view point-tours".
Among the technical highlights one has to bring out the fact that the e-learning CD ROM which runs on each standard pc, allows to recognize system structures and operation modes - in other words - it allows to look deeply into a technical model. This also signifies the CD ROM, the press release is talking about, and is concerning the following visualized working orders out of four training areas, such as
- Manual manufacturing of a retaining bracket and it's unrolling
- Mechanical fabrication of a tool holder
- Demounting of a drill fixture
- Commentary about a pneumatic control of a splicing equipment
All in all the e-learning program "Metal-Techniques" covers pc animations out of the learning fields "Manual and mechanical fabrication", "Manufacturing of electronic devices" and "Basic controls".