About the Piece Picking Solution
CMES robotic Piece Picking Solution is capable of picking a large volume of products by selecting the optimal motion based on shape, weight, position, and posture - improving efficiency and accuracy. Our advanced end-of-arm tooling increases productivity, improves accuracy, and ensures worker safety.
Key Features
- Fast Installation: Operational within hours.
- Versatile Design: Handles diverse case configurations.
- Turnkey Solution: Off-the-shelf system requires minimal setup.
- Increased Warehouse Throughput: Substantial return on investment.
CMES provides another logistics solution, such as palletizing and depalletizing, that focuses on leveraging advanced AI vision capabilities:
- Mixed Case Palletizing Solution: Utilizing AI vision to enable flexible, on-the-fly mixed pallet building without complex buffering systems.
- Random Bags and Box Depalletizing Solution: Employing AI vision technology to identify and adapt to all types of bags and boxes in real time.
Key Features for palletizing and depalletizing solutions
- Depalletizing and palletizing of unstructured, random-sized bags of various dimensions.
- Transfer more than 25kg boxes or bags at a rate of up to 600 boxes or 360 bags per hour.
- 2D & 3D vision sensors for precise detection and positioning.
- Increased warehouse throughput and substantial return on investment
The Piece Picking Solution will be showcased live at CMES Booth 3A39 at LogiMAT 2025. Attendees will see firsthand how an AI vision solution solves the challenges posed by various products of different categories, shapes, and textures while enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and safety in your warehouse.