Because Verdi G series lasers are based on OPSL technology, they do not suffer from either the "green noise" or thermal lensing issues that limit the performance of competitive multi-mode lasers based on diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) technology. As a result, they exhibit extremely low noise (<0.02% rms) across a very wide frequency spectrum (10 Hz to 100 MHz). And, the lack of thermal lensing means the output power of the Verdi G10 can be smoothly adjusted from 10% to 100% of the maximum value with no effect on beam quality or beam pointing stability (which is < 2 ?rad/°C).
The Verdi G10 laser is ideal for pumping ultrafast and CW Titanium:Sapphire laser systems for all applications in spectroscopy, pump-probe dynamics and materials research. This includes CEP-stabilized systems where achieving low phase noise is critically dependent on using a low noise pump laser. In addition, the Verdi G10 is the first non-DPSS laser to provide sufficient power for pumping high-repetition rate ultrafast amplifiers such as the Coherent RegA series.