"The series of events organized by the TETRA and Critical Communications Association TCCA, of which CONET has been an active member for some months now, is the established flagship congress for all issues connected to TETRA digital radio as well as critical communications and infrastructures", Michael Exner, Head of Integrated Communication Solutions at CONET states. "As experienced at past Critical Communications World events and also their special events for Europe and the Middle East, in Barcelona we again expect a wealth of interesting talks and discussions as well as valuable new contacts to potential customers and partners."
About CONET UC Radio Suite
In the daily challenges faced by public and industry control rooms and command centers alike, a reliable and efficient communication between all players via the most diverse communication channels is essential for effective decision-making and decisive action. The CONET UCRS communication solution combines integrated voice and video conferencing over diverse communication platforms (TETRA, TETRAPol, PMR, P25, DMR, GSM, GSM-R) as well as an extensive and powerful integration of communication, information and data systems, e.g. for controlling public sounding & alerting, traffic and facility management, and video surveillance.