”Our new web presence offers the user a great first glimpse of what is possible with our content management system“, Martin Clasen, Product Marketing Manager for the you@web software line, explains. “The user can see how personalized content, automatically updated data collections out of third party systems, or completely accessible pages can be implemented”. The information and services provided via the website will be expanded over the upcoming months, e.g. by product demonstrations.
On the technical side the new web pages are based on the advanced product version you@web Content Manager 7.0, which is already in use at some German customers like Bischof + Klein. The English version will be released on time for this year’s Systems trade show in October. In regard to functionality the you@web Content Manager 7.0 has been improved considerably in ease of use and personalization options with enhancements that will simplify the daily tasks of web masters and authors substantially.
The totally redesigned workflow concept, for example, is now able to depict and control all processes involved in the creation and administration of extensive websites in great detail. The site maintenance is thereby optimized and more clearly organized, reducing the risk of errors occurring significantly. The further improved web based text editor supports the author when he creates web content by providing him with an environment that is similar to MS Word. Also expanded have been the internationalization options, which now allow for the use of diverse foreign character sets like Chinese or Cyrillic.