This step incorporates ASYTEC in the DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechik GmbH company as an addi-tional subsidiary. DESIGNA will therefore benefit from the existing sales and service network in the ticket system, access control and video system areas of the company from Mainz. "The goal is to reinforce our position as one of the world's leading companies for fully automated parking systems. The takeover allows us to make use of the country-specific know-how of internation-ally operating ASYTEC in order to acquire new markets in South Africa and Asia", says Dr. Tho-mas Waibel, managing director of DESIGNA Verkehrsleittechnik GmbH.
The agreement allows all ASYTEC GmbH business activities to continue in the usual way. This includes both comprehensive management of existing ASYTEC customers by their usual con-tacts, and responsibility for all service and support work for the installed systems. One of Asytec's most important customers is the international airport in Frankfurt.