Manugy, Matthews International, the Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, the Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB and EAS Batteries are optimising a direct extrusion process and the associated plant concept from pilot to industrial scale and complementing it with efficiency-enhancing innovations – right up to a technology for simultaneous direct coating of both sides of the electrodes.
The research project ‘SkaleD – Scaling of extrusion-based direct coating’ is supported with around 2.1 million euros from the ‘Sondervermögen Klima- und Transformationsfonds’ of the ‘Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)’(funding code 03XP0631A-D). The total volume is 2.8 million euros. EAS Batteries coordinates the research project.
Scaled technology – environmentally friendly, optimised and inline-capable
Novel solvent-reduced coating processes are the key to making the production of electrodes sustainable, efficient and healthy. The ‘SkaleD’ research project is based on the direct extrusion process developed in the previous ‘OptiEx’ project to make the innovative technology suitable for mass production. The process represents a resource-saving alternative to the previously established process and overcomes the technological bottleneck of this crucial manufacturing step in the production of batteries. The research alliance will adapt and improve the entire process chain. This applies in particular to the coating width and process speed, as well as to the accompanying optimisations of the plant technology and formulations. The focus is also on inline capability, so that plant technology and processes can be linked to upstream and downstream processes. In addition, this project aims to realise – initially in the form of a feasibility study – simultaneous double-sided coating for the first time, which can significantly increase process speed.
Funded battery research – competitive and pioneering
In order to remain competitive in Germany and Europe, particularly vis-à-vis Asian markets, the price per kilowatt hour of cells produced in Europe must decrease. This can be achieved by establishing innovative manufacturing processes. ‘We are pleased that the federal government has recognised the importance of efficient mass production of battery cells and is funding our research work,’ says EAS Managing Director Michael Deutmeyer. ‘In times of budget cuts, this is not a matter of course and once again highlights the relevance of our development effort. At the same time, this is an urgent appeal to support the entire location of Germany in implementing the energy transition with a new, significantly higher budget for cell and battery research in a future-oriented way and to consistently continue in this direction with the bridge financing that has now been adopted.’
Germany as an industrial location – sustainable, innovative and cost-efficient
Awareness of sustainability and the requirements for cost-efficient battery systems are continuously growing worldwide. The knowledge gained in the ‘Skale D’ research project meets these needs and ensures the long-term further development of battery cell production. The new skills will thus strengthen Germany as an industrial location as well as the European Economic Area. The developed systems and processes open new sales markets – up to and including scaling the concept from an industry-like environment to a gigafactory scale. The project results thus create a wide range of exploitation opportunities and international competitiveness. The research project has a duration of three years and ends on 31 December 2027.