In order to present and substantially discuss conceptual ideas and results of ongoing scientific work, the edaBarCamp-Team invites researchers from the area of electronic design automation (EDA) for microelectronic and embedded systems to an open BarCamp event.
To jointly present, discuss and develop conceptual scientific ideas, methodological approaches and results of ongoing work, the edaBarCamp-Team invites you to participate and contribute to the first edaBarCamp – the first open BarCamp on electronic design automation (EDA) for microelectronic and embedded systems in Germany. Detached from formal event structures, all participants are invited to propose session topics, from which the agenda of the BarCamp is then commonly build within an open meeting in the beginning of the event. Meeting and discussing on a par with each other, your individual work and interests can and will benefit from the others: The edaBarCamp offers exactly this space.
Propose your session ideas before
To prepare edaBarCamp, the edaBarCamp team kindly ask you to propose your session-ideas in advance in the session proposal forum. Joining the open web forum, you have the opportunity to read and discuss all session proposals and that way to provide clues about the possible session topics.
The 1st edaBarCamp will be on November 17-18, 2016 at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Institute of Microlectronic Systems (IMS), Hannover, Germany.
What is edaBarCamp?
In open sessions, everyone has the opportunity to propose his/her own topics, to participate, and to enrich the other sessions by his thoughts and ideas. For that purpose, each participant can suggest sessions on his topics in advance and during the event. Topics with common interests are then identified and scheduled by all participants at the beginning of the event. There is no program committee. We all vote and decide our agenda in an open plenary meeting. The agenda of each individual session is then commonly decided by the session-owners and their participants. Everybody is asked to become an active participator, not just a passive listener. According to your interests you can organize your sessions as interactive workshops, short 'hackathons', brainstorming, presentations and tutorials as well as open-minded question- & feedback round. To memorize and exchange the results each session is asked to commonly document its work during the session. Finally, the joint documentation will be made available to the participants after the event.