This family of filters is the most recent to be added to a large inventory of EUV optics at Edmund Optics. The EUV families offered by Edmund Optics enable rapid prototyping, rapid R&D development, and rapid product development. By providing optical integrators with off-the-shelf options that meet the unique demands of their applications, this selection of products eliminates the usual long lead-times associated with fabrication of custom EUV products. Edmund Optics also offers EUV Flat Mirrors, Spherical Mirrors, and UltraFast Innovations Attosecond Multilayer Mirrors in-stock and available for immediate shipping.
The Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Dichroic Filters, also known as dichroic beamsplitters or beam separators, feature a broad 5 nm to 40 nm bandwidth and provide a high separation efficiency between the EUV and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths. These filters are fabricated on fused silica substrates, consequently they support higher laser powers than Brewster’s angle beam separators and other types of EUV filters.
To view these, and many more exciting new products offered by Edmund Optics, visit the new products page at