The cost of a TECHSPEC® Stemmed Laser Mirror and a simple kinematic mount is less than that of a conventional laser mirror and the more complex mount that would be required to achieve a similar performance. Stemmed Mirrors were shown to maintain surface flatness better than conventional mirrors by a factor of two when secured using 12 in-oz of torque (which is considered “hand-tight”) in identical kinematic mounts.
The TECHSPEC® Stemmed Laser Mirrors are ideal for solid-state and fiber lasers such as Yb:doped, Nd:YAG, and Ti:sapphire lasers with coating options at 355 nm, 532 nm, and 1.064 nm design wavelengths. Stemmed mirrors are additionally available in Enhanced Aluminum, Protected Gold, Protected Silver, and Ultrafast-Enhanced Silver coating options for beam-steering and reflection applications in the visible and infrared spectra, and in Broadband Dielectric coating options for improved reflectivity by minimizing energy loss and scatter.
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