Stemmed mirrors feature a unique geometry that prevents the stress introduced by mounting any optic from deforming the reflective surface. Because all contact between the mirror and kinematic mount occurs at a stem protruding from the back of the mirror rather than the mirror edge, stress applied to the optical surface of the mirror is nearly eliminated, providing improved surface flatness and performance compared to conventionally-mounted first surface mirrors. Stemmed Mirrors were shown to maintain surface flatness better than conventional mirrors by a factor of two.
The TECHSPEC® Metallic Coated Stemmed Mirrors are available in Enhanced Aluminum, Protected Gold, and Protected Silver coating options for beam-steering and reflection applications in the visible and infrared spectra. TECHSPEC® Broadband Dielectric Stemmed Mirrors feature improved reflectivity and increase system performance by minimizing energy loss and scatter. The TECHSPEC® Stemmed Laser Mirrors are ideal for solid-state and fiber lasers such as Yb:doped and Nd:YAG lasers with coating options at 355 nm, 532 nm, and 1.064 nm design wavelengths.
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