High Transmission for maximum emission collection
Edmund Optics’ TECHSPEC Fluorescence Bandpass Filters are matched to common fluorophores used in fluorescence imaging applications. Available in common wavelengths for popular fluorophores, the filters feature greater than 93% transmission and greater than OD6 blocking outside the desired passband, less than 3% from the edge of the bandwidth to ensure detection of even the weakest signals. Each TECHSPEC Fluorescence Bandpass Filter is manufactured with a hard sputtered coating on a single fused silica substrate for durability and mounted in a black anodized ring for ease of handling.
Available in more than 40 wavelengths and three diameters
TECHSPEC Fluorescence Bandpass Filters are designed to match emission and excitation bands for popular fluorophores including DAPI, Cy5, FITC, SpectrumGreen, ICG-A, QDots and more. Each filter variety is available in a 12.5, 25 or 50 mm diameter model. TECHSPEC Fluorescence Bandpass Filters are in-stock and available for immediate delivery for fast turnaround and excellent value.