Total Body Dermoscopy –Keeping a distance for safety's sake
The latest innovation for early skin cancer detection revolutionizes Mole Mapping in post-Corona times: The Total Body Dermoscopy examination with the FotoFinder bodystudio ATBM master merges Total Body Mapping and dermoscopy; with a hygiene distance of more than 1.6 meters to the patient, the examination can take place in a safe setting. The new, ultrafast workflow visualizes the skin surface without reflection and in spectacular quality. This allows for a quick overview of the status of a patient’s moles without the need of taking a dermoscopic image of each individual lesion: Thanks to the polarized, RAW processed, high resolution images, the structure of nevi can already be assessed in the total body image. This is the step from Total Body Mapping to Total Body Dermoscopy!
The mosaic of moles
The Bodyscan master identifies lesions in all total body images and arranges them according to their relevance on one screen. For this purpose, the software differentiates between new, changed, and unchanged nevi. This so-called Mosaic View helps to identify suspicious lesions at a glance. By doing so, the video dermoscopy examination focuses only on the few atypical lesions which require further assessment. This saves a lot of time and reduces close contact to a minimum.
Artificial Intelligence for the analysis of skin and moles
The Total Body Dermoscopy workflow combines spectacular image quality with new software functions and Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is applied in multiple ways: On the one hand it optimizes the results of Bodyscan and Total Body Dermoscopy, on the other hand the Moleanalyzer pro tool supports the pre-assessment of melanocytic and non-melanocytic lesions with one of the most powerful deep learning algorithms evaluated in clinical trials up to now.*
Dermoscopy with maximum hygiene
In case a lesion requires further examination, you can take advantage of video dermoscopy by zooming into the finest structures of a nevus with high optical magnification and live zoom. The FotoFinder medicam comes with exchangeable front caps which can be changed for disinfection after each patient.