FRAMOS offers individual image processing modules as well as an entire framework for image processing for FPGAs according to customer preference.
A library of image processing algorithms provides not only high-quality image pre-processing but also a number of algorithms for image analysis and detection that previously could only practically be executed on PC platforms.
For developers who would like to implement their own algorithms, a customisable FPGA image processing framework is available. This specifically maps interfaces from image sensor control, to a variety of buses and microcontrollers, and to the current output standards such as GigE Vision, USB and DVI.
FRAMOS can also port your existing algorithms to the FPGA architectures of all the large manufacturers, and develops not only specific algorithms and interfaces but also the entire electronics hardware in accordance with your wishes, and based on the project concerned.
FRAMOS enables you to make the most of the benefits offered by FPGAs in an intelligent way, significantly reducing the performance requirements for an additional data processing unit (e.g. PC) in your system, or even rendering it superfluous. This reduces hardware costs to a fraction, and generally results in significantly faster data processing and system response times.