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Story Box-ID: 1207054

GfA - Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik e.V., c/o Dr. Dr. Brigitte E.S. Jansen Balger Hauptstr. 31 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
Contact Ms Dr. Brigitte Jansen +49 7221 1885949

Unlocking Potential: How AI and Innovation Can Supercharge Your Business

(PresseBox) (Baden-Baden, )
The Society for Work Methodology e.V. (GfA) is pleased to announce a groundbreaking webinar titled "Unlocking Potential: How AI and Innovation Can Supercharge Your Business." There are only a few spots left in this free webinar.

It will take place on June 4, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Registration is required at

We welcome  Paulius Vaitkevičius as a speaker, a renowned AI expert and Head of Innovation at Novian, a leading AI solutions company from Lithuania.

This webinar is aimed at executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals at all levels who want to explore the enormous potential of customized AI solutions for their specific business needs. Paulius Vaitkevičius will share his profound insights and expertise, providing participants with a clear understanding of AI, its diverse applications across various industries, and the significant advantages it offers in optimizing business management, production, and services.

The webinar aims to clarify common misconceptions and challenges related to the adoption of AI in businesses. Paulius Vaitkevičius will guide participants through identifying potential opportunities for integrating AI into their own organizations, describing the necessary infrastructure, data availability, and required knowledge. Further, the essential steps for initiating and managing a successful AI implementation project will be outlined.

Practical examples will illustrate how customized AI solutions can achieve higher operational efficiency and competitive advantages. An interactive Q&A session will allow participants to discuss specific questions and potential AI implementations in their individual business contexts with the expert.

"We are thrilled to welcome Paulius Vaitkevičius from Novian in our GfA series on AI," says Klaus Lichtenauer, business information scientist and 4th  Chairman of the GfA e.V. "This webinar offers a unique opportunity to learn from a recognized expert and gain valuable insights into how companies can use AI to optimize their business operations and enhance their competitiveness."

The webinar will be held in English and will offer a ZOOM translation with German subtitles. Interested parties can register at

GfA - Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik e.V., c/o Dr. Dr. Brigitte E.S. Jansen

Die Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik und Lebensgestaltung (GfA) beschäftigt sich seit 1954 mit praktischen Methoden und ganzheitlichen Ansätzen für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben und Arbeiten. Die Veranstaltungen und Veröffentlichungen des Vereins richten sich an Menschen, die sich beruflich weiterentwickeln und privat vorankommen möchten. Dabei greift man in der Gemeinschaft auf eine ganze Reihe von gelebter Kompetenz zurück. Die Mitglieder geben ihre Erfahrungen weiter und entwickeln fundierte Strategien zur Problemlösung oder Optimierung. Dabei bleibt der etablierte Verein immer am Puls der Zeit. Social-Media-Kanäle und Sprachassistenten wie Alexa werden ebenso ins Angebot eingebunden wie Videos und klassische Medien.

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