Safety valves specially used for applications with oxygen are needed in multiple industries. Particularly in the production of technical gases, medical gases, by compressor manufacturers as well as component manufacturers and plant manufacturers.
Oxygen handling requires extreme care as regards all materials, sealing materials and lubricants used and in contact with oxygen to prevent application risks. Goetze takes account of these requirements: By offering a production process specifically designed for oxygen valves. They are installed in a separate, isolated CLEAN room, which is pressurised with conditioned air at 20 millibar, so that the ingress of particles and contamination from the outside is avoided. Qualified and trained staff, compliance with all relevant codes and regular process monitoring of oil and grease-free cleaning, installation, inspection, packaging and labelling grant customers an oxygen-compliant valve for their applications.
Optimum material selection, the appropriate studies by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung (BAM, Federal Agency for Materials Research and Testing), as well as inspections by C.T.E. (Air Liquide) exclude all possibilities of an oxygen reaction (burnout). A special property of the Goetze safety valve 492GOX is that it was explicitly inspected and approved for oxygen with adiabatic pressure shocks in a range between 50 bar and 420 bar at 60 °C.
The compact design and the swivelled body outlet allowing for adjusting the valve position even after installation, make the safety valve 492GOX to an innovative gain for the Goetze product portfolio.