Outwards the improve strategy targets a clear market position of our company, inwards it’s seen as a central leitmotif. What does it mean to be an improve.r? For our consultants it’s an impulse to constantly review their own performance further and to develop themselves. The quality of our consulting service is essential: Only if we develop our behaviour continuously, we have the chance to afford our clients a progress, an improve.ment.
After raising awareness for the improve claim, exciting developments can already be observed at various consultant levels. Both the (linguistic) design and the content of communication changed. Our claim allows us to express clearer and more focused, what we are doing as a company and personnel consultants. This is what distinguishes Hager from other competitors of the sector. Our clients know exactly what they can expect from us.
Improve got access especially to the linguistic usage of the business unit managers, who have the most contact to our clients: "We take care of your improve.ment". Thus arises a positive interdependence, because the way we communicate influences our behaviour and way of thinking. Reversely our way of thinking influences our behavior and communication.
The clients receive especially the effects of the improve strategy. May it be the presentation of candidates, the granularity of summaries or the volume of statistical information, the clients receive primary the high quality of our service and don’t see the improve strategy behind.
Until improve established in the clients' minds as a central company fact of Hager, it is necessary to rise attention and to sensitize for it. Apart from the internal improve.r challenges of the Hager staff the theme is present in our marketing channels as well as events. But it is still the best marketing when clients recognize themselves that an improve.ment happens there.
Andreas Wartenberg has been an executive search consultant for more than 25 years, filling management positions in the technology sector and other industries. Mr. Wartenberg set up and led national and international teams before joining Hager Unternehmensberatung as a Managing Director in 2008. He is a leading topic expert in the DACH region in regard to all aspects of technology management and digitalization within all type of corporations. Since early 2015 the Hager Unternehmensberatung has become a partner of Horton International. Andreas Wartenberg is currently Chairman of the Board at Horton Group International.