Under the motto "TIME TO CHAIN" customers of HAVER & BOECKER can re-forge their complete value-adding chains by using a combination of market leading technology brands from the company. HAVER & TYLER, IBAU HAMBURG, BEHN + BATES, FEIGE FILLING, NEWTEC BAG PALLETIZING and HAVER & BOECKER work together to offer customised complete systems for mineral processing, storage, packing, filling, palletizing and loading cement, building materials and minerals, chemicals, food, animal feed and pet food. The customers thus receive systems from a single source and premium technology for the decisive points of their value adding chains from HAVER & BOECKER. This produces a positive impact on material throughput, costs, and profits.
At the INTERPACK show in Düsseldorf, the entire HAVER & BOECKER company was showing how the innovative machine technologies of individual brands can be linked together to form a complete system. This will allow customers to not only optimise single blocks of their production process, but also to redefine and set up their entire processes anew. As an example, the linking up of the systems from HAVER & BOECKER (packing and loading), BEHN + BATES (packing), FEIGE FILLING (filling) and NEWTEC BAG PALLETIZING (palletizing) will be shown.
"TIME TO CHAIN" implies that the customer will receive new service concepts in the world of HAVER & BOECKER. Initiated by the fifth generation of management taking the helm at the family-managed company earlier this year, HAVER & BOECKER aims to more strongly mesh the linking of HAVER technologies with the success of its customers using new and innovative services. HAVER & BOECKER offers an automation platform that enables the networking of various process steps within the customers' production process and thus allows the optimisation of the entire product flow by using countless analysis possibilities.