It is now available in the mobile equipment versions “research” and “inspect” as well as the stationary version “head”. The individual equipment is essential for optimal use in all fields of application.
The core consists of two high-resolution, latest generation microbolometer detectors with (1,024 x 768) or (640 x 480) IR pixel formats. In combination with the innovative optomechanical Microscan technology and with a quadrupling of the native detector resolution, real temperature measurement values are provided. Therefore, depending on the detector format, geometrical resolutions of up to 3.1 Megapixels can be achieved.
Luminously intense IR precision optics ensure that even the smallest temperature differences of less than 0.03 K can be reliably detected among measurement objects. However, the multitalent VarioCAM® HD not only provides the best resolution, but also the highest frame rate in its class of up to 240 Hz.
Equally innovative are many other useful features, such as the integrated laser range finder with permanent autofocus, the distance-dependent display which still reveals accurate measurable object size or the unique “Eversharp function” which helps to display all object structures within the image with sharpest resolution.