Aside of the high standard of an automated billing process and the audit ability according to a complex regulatory framework like in India, SKYport Billing on SAP® was chosen for its open architecture allowing to add/modify rules in a flexible way and its capability to embed future small applications (Apps) for individual billing purposes into its environment, which can even be developed by local SAP®-providers or the airport staff itself. This solution makes the airport independent from single experts and makes it a safe investment into the future. ISO’s SKYport Billing on SAP® is known for its long lifecycle and its low cost of ownership.
Last year ISO was awarded for SKYport Billing on SAP® at other large capital airports including the New Berlin Int’l Airport and London-Gatwick Int’l Airport. With about 20 years experience worldwide at about 50 airport installations of their billing solutions SKYport Billing on SAP® and its platform independent counterpart SKYport Base ISO is the market leader in aeronautical billing.