On the fringe of the Software Quality Conferences (SQC), iNTACS e.V. (registered association) was founded on May 11th, 2006. The association is based in Berlin. One of its tasks is to provide for a worldwide standardised training for SPiCE-assessors. “Having SPiCE (ISO 15504) available as official ISO standard since March 2006, it was necessary to found iNTACS e.V. to guarantee a consistent application of this norm,” Prof. Hindel declared (in his greetings) at the opening of the foundation meeting. Prof. Hindel had initiated the official foundation after he had been pushing the idea of this standard training together with former representatives of the Bootstrap Institute and the SPiCE user group since 2003.
The great interest in this meeting proves that the idea of the foundation is right and came at the right time. 28 representatives from 15 different countries signed the foundation protocol. Peter Bölter (SQS AG) has been elected President. The Vice Presidents are Dr. Ludger Meyer (Siemens CT) and Prof. Dr. Dehua Ju (ASTI Shanghai, China). Klaus Dehmel (Delphi Grundig) has been elected to the board as well.
Among the founding members are renowned companies such as:
Business Cube Inc. (Japan), Conti Temic microelectronic GmbH (Germany), Delphi Electronics & Safety Inc. (USA), Fraunhofer Fokus und Fraunhofer IESE (both Germany), Information-technology Promotion Agency (Japan), ISCN Ltd. (Ireland), IT Consulting Ltd. (Hungary), KMC (Germany), MB technology GmbH (Germany), Memolux Ltd. (Hungary), methodpark Software AG (Germany), Musala Soft (Bulgaria), Q-labs GmbH (Germany), Q-move s.r.l. (Italy), Siemens Information Systems Ltd. (India), Soft-Rating Ltd. (Ukraine), Synspace (Switzerland), TRW Automotive (USA), Volkswagen AG (Germany), ZF Friedrichshafen (Germany).
„The next steps for iNTACS will be to conclude contracts for the accreditation of training providers and for the certification of SPiCE assessors”, the newly-elected President of iNTACS, Peter Bölter, declared. The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) has entered into negotiations with iNTACS to conclude such a contract for the German-speaking area.