Due to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR), the requirements and obligations that healthcare institutions must fulfill have become more complex. Especially in processing and storing patient data, they must adapt their processes to this new regulation and master tougher challenges such as long retention periods, enormous data growth, right to deletion, and implementation of electronic patient files.
These new developments also have an impact on the IT systems in the healthcare sector. With their single archive strategy, ITH icoserve and iTernity aim to streamline the IT infrastructure in healthcare institutions and meet the complex compliance requirements for data storage. The combined solution, syngo.share and iCAS, offers healthcare institutions a central, hardware-independent, and legally secure archive for patient data and other documents from various healthcare IT applications.
"syngo.share is a strong and globally established software solution for managing, sharing, and archiving clinical image data and documents. In combination with iCAS, we create a legally secure and storage-independent archive that meets the strict GDPR requirements for healthcare institutions," says Reto Krummenacher, Head of Product Management at ITH icoserve.
"The technology partnership between ITH icoserve and iTernity enables meaningful synergy effects and responds to the growing demand for GDPR-compliant solutions in the healthcare sector. Our iCAS software solution was certified by KPMG for its ability to meet the GDPR’s Privacy-by-Design and Privacy-by-Default requirements at the beginning of 2018. Together with syngo.share, we offer a comprehensive solution for the complex requirements in healthcare IT," adds Daniel Glass, Sales Director at iTernity. "Another enormous advantage of the solution is that data migrations can be carried out during operation without threatening the security and integrity of the data. Complex migration scenarios belong to the past."
The iTernity Compliant Archive Software (iCAS), in combination with syngo.share, offers healthcare organizations the following advantages:
- GDPR-compliant archiving of medical data thanks to encryption, WORM storage, multi-client capability and access control
- Protection of data integrity through self-healing
- Hardware- and manufacturer-independent software solution
- Maximum flexibility and scalability
- Great potential for cost savings through a central single archive strategy
ITH icoserve is a subsidiary of Siemens Healthineers and Tirol Kliniken GmbH. With its medical universal archive syngo.share, ITH icoserve provides innovative software solutions and services for efficiently capturing, managing, sharing and archiving medical image data, radiological studies and multimedia documents in healthcare institutions.
As such, syngo.share provides central building blocks for enabling complete and sustainable digitalization of healthcare companies. The universal archive solution is fully integrated into the Siemens Healthineers’ Imaging IT product portfolio and available worldwide. Further information can be found at www.ith-icoserve.com.