Without appropriate IT8-Calibration scans from Kodachromes will exhibit a typical bluish color cast. With SilverFast's Auto-IT8-Calibration and the new "Original Kodachrome Calibration Target" the bluish cast will be completely eliminated.
In order to achieve the optimum Kodachrome workflow, it is recommended to activate SilverFast's award-winning Multi-Exposure, after IT8-Calibration has been completed. Only then the Dynamic Range of Kodachromes of up to 3,8D can be fully realized.
Thereafter the unique combination of iSRD® and SRD® can remove dust and scratches from Kodachromes. SilverFast is the only software world-wide handling this special workflow!
LaserSoft Imaging® offers a rebate of 25% on all calibration targets until the end of April 2009. This offer also includes the new Kodachrome Targets.
More information: http://www.silverfast.com/...