"The opening of the application laboratory is the next logical step in the further development of the French market for LUM products as well as for the optimum customer service in France. It is part of the continuous growth of LUM GmbH.", explains Prof. Dr. Lerche, Managing Director of LUM. "Our own French application specialist M. Sylvain Gressier has expertise in selling LUM particle and dispersion characterization instruments and customer support in France since 2011. With the introduction of our product line LUMiFrac® in the end of the year 2012, M. Gressier has convinced users of the new possibilities of adhesion strength determination in different application areas of materials testing. "
The LUM application laboratory in Paris offers all opportunities for seminars and customer measurements, from the determination of particle density and particle size distribution to the direct and accelerated stability analysis of emulsions and suspensions (ISO/TR 13097) in original concentration. Furthermore, the lab is equipped for adhesion and cohesion testing of coatings and composites.
LUM France welcomes all French and international attendants during the European Conference on Fluid-Particle Separation (FPS) in Lyon, during Materiaux in Montpellier and during Formulation Days in Lille. New applications and instruments will be presented.
The new application laboratory is located west of Paris centre:
LUM GmbH France
Immeuble Garabel
28, Avenue du 19 Mars 1962
78370 Plaisir – France
Tel +33 (0)6 4610 7676