- Vortrag: Testing in the Modular World
- Speaker: Christian Stein (Micromata)
- Wann: 24. September um 14:00 Uhr
- Wo: Südwerk, Henriette-Obermüller-Straße 10, 76137 Karlsruhe
The talk starts with a basic introduction to JUnit 5 and the Java module system before presenting the three approaches for executing tests when using the JPMS from the command line:
- Resorting to the class path
- Patching test binaries into main modules at runtime
- Patching main sources into test modules at compile time
- It closes with an outlook:
- Are there variations or other approaches?
- How do build tools support you?
- What are best practices in IDEs?
- Happy modular testing!
Christian Stein is an open source software developer who is programming with Java since 1998. He has a passion for automated testing and joined the core JUnit Team in 2017, is an active Apache Maven developer, and was granted OpenJDK Author status in 2019. He lives in Bonn, Germany and works for MICROMATA GmbH.
Find out more about it here: https://2019.accento.dev/