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Story Box-ID: 1049875

Datatronic Software AG Willy-Brandt-Ring 4 67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim, Germany
Contact Ms Nadine Schulz 06243-90810-26

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(PresseBox) (Flörsheim-Dalsheim, )
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Datatronic Software AG

Als Digitalisierungspartner für KMU bietet Datatronic kaufmännische Software und IT-Lösungen aus einer Hand. Das Portfolio umfasst die Bereiche ERP, DMS, CRM, HR, sowie IT-Infrastruktur und Hosting.

Datatronic ist ein Unternehmen der NTR Gruppe, deren Töchter von 24 Standorten über 7000 Mittelstandskunden betreuen.

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The publisher indicated in each case (see company info by clicking on image/title or company info in the right-hand column) is solely responsible for the stories above, the event or job offer shown and for the image and audio material displayed. As a rule, the publisher is also the author of the texts and the attached image, audio and information material. The use of information published here is generally free of charge for personal information and editorial processing. Please clarify any copyright issues with the stated publisher before further use. In case of publication, please send a specimen copy to