Developing concepts for a sustainable future for aviation calls for a re-evaluation of every single design aspect, from fuselage and wing geometry to propulsion and fuel systems. FlyZero’s multidisciplinary, collaborative approach plays to the strengths of the Pacelab APD/SysArc platform, which streamlines the setup of unconventional aircraft configurations, integrates proprietary methods and analysis tools, and provides sophisticated MDO capabilities, including the option to offload compute-intensive trade studies to an HPC server cluster.
"Having created a range of different scout aircraft the FlyZero engineers are now working on the design and development of three zero-carbon emission aircraft concepts. These concepts will be the basis for developing the manufacturing roadmaps, economic analyses and sustainability assessments which will support the UK aerospace sector in gearing up for the next generation of aircraft," said David Debney, FlyZero’s Chief Engineer for Whole Aircraft Integration. "Pacelab APD/SysArc provides us with crucial design and performance data for strategic technology decisions."
PACE Managing Director Fabio Ortalli added: "PACE is fully committed to building a more sustainable future for aviation, through supporting innovative aircraft designs as envisioned by FlyZero, but also by enabling cost and eco-efficient flight operations. Like all companies in the TXT Group ecosystem of excellencies, we think sustainability in everything we do, from operations, to product innovations, to investment decisions."
About ATI Aerospace Technology Institute
The Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) is at the heart of UK aerospace R&T. Working collaboratively across the UK aerospace sector and beyond, the Institute sets the national technology strategy to reflect the sector’s vision and ambition. The ATI Programme is a joint government and industry commitment to invest £3.9 billion in research to 2026. In addition to the ATI Programme and FlyZero, the Institute also supports the supply chain through NATEP and aerospace start-ups through the ATI Boeing Accelerator.
About FlyZero
Led by the Aerospace Technology Institute and backed by the UK Government FlyZero is a one-of-a-kind research project aiming to realise zero-carbon emission commercial air travel by the end of the decade. The intensive 12-month strategic research programme is bringing experts together from across the UK to conduct a detailed and holistic study of the design challenges, manufacturing demands, operational requirements and market opportunity of potential zero-carbon emission aircraft concepts. FlyZero will shape the future of global aviation with the intention of gearing up the UK to stand at the forefront of sustainable flight in design, manufacture, technology and skills for years to come.