The new filigree version of the H-811.I2 hexapod has the same installation space as before, positions with velocities up to 20 mm/s, and is therefore twice as fast as its predecessor. Its six struts work with a resolution of 5 nm. This allows it to achieve the high repeatability of +/- 0.06 µm. The hexapod covers travel ranges up to 17 mm (in the X and Y axis) or ± 6,5 mm (in the Z axis) and is also impresses with its long lifetime of 20 million motion cycles. Loads up to 5 kg can be positioned quickly, with high precision, and over long operating times. Vacuum-compatible versions are also available.
Brushless DC motors are the driving force of the miniature hexapods. They are particularly suitable for high rotation speeds, can be controlled very accurately, and allow high precision. Dispensing with sliding contacts also makes them long lived, allows them to run smoothly with very low wear.
PI controllers control the hexapods. It is also possible to use Cartesian coordinates for convenient commanding of complex motion profiles. The hexapod controllers can also communicate via EtherCAT if a higher level controller is connected.