Piezo systems are suitable for applications that require extreme precision motion even in limited installation space. "This also includes high-precision adjustment of lenses and other optical components, which require exact positioning and tracking of biological and medical samples under a microscope or also extremely fast and at the same time, highly exact inspection of semiconductor components on the product line", explains Dr. Mathias Bach. He is Head of Product Division for piezo systems at PI and considers fast delivery of systems as an important factor for PI customers to gain a competitive advantage and also expand PI's market leadership in the field of precision positioning.
In addition, faster availability within an average of five days after ordering of OEM integrators provides the opportunity to test and qualify the functions and specifications of PI products under real conditions earlier on in the evaluation and prototype phase. This ensures optimum product integration at the beginning of the actual development. The final adaptation and qualification for production of the product is then carried out by piezo system engineers in close cooperation with the customer.
Currently, PI offers the following systems with shortened lead times:
P-611.3S NanoCube® XYZ Piezo Stage
P-725.4CD/A PIFOC® Long-Travel Objective Scanner
P-621.1CD PIHera Piezo Linear Stage
S-330.2SD Piezo Tip / Tilt Platform
P-603.3S1 PiezoMove Linear Flexure Actuator