Fostering Business Model: Perspective for Circular Economy
The research project sustainablySMART funded by the EU-Program Horizon 2020 will change the lifecycle of mobile information and communication devices by developing new product design approaches.
This includes improved end-of-life performance, re-use and remanufacturing aspects. It is about implementing “design for a circular economy” for smartphones and tablet computers on the product and printed circuit board level.
Furthermore, new disassembly and remanufacturing processes will improve resource efficiency. This also considers development of underlying product design, production, testing and remanufacturing technologies. The practical implementation of the business models will be guided in nine case studies and future technology exploitation ensured.
ReUse Association shifts its original scope from computers (ReUse Association was once founded as ReUse-Computer Association) to increasingly important mobile information and communication devices. Moreover, ReUse Association will be able to strengthen its research on business models for closed-loop economy and ecoinnovation.