The need for optical fiber is constantly rising, so preforms are also in high demand. This requires an increase in preform production performance and even new technology investments. "Having our own facility for testing machines and improving processes is a huge advantage for us and our customers. We have the competency to provide remote support with the manufacturer’s parameters from our own facility, allowing even greater flexibility for all parties involved – also during commissioning at the production site." says Timo Id, Managing Director of Rosendahl Nextrom Oy.
The Preform R&D Center consists of an OFC 05 Horizontal OVD Clad Deposition System and an OFC 08 Clad Sintering System. This enables to run OVD Cladding process trials with full-sized preforms. Nextrom equipment produces preforms of up to 150 mm in diameter and 1.5 m in length, leading to about more than 2000 kilometers of fiber.
"We were very eager get to this point. Thanks to our highly competent team packed with professionals from different backgrounds, we were able to deliver this high-tech solution for preform manufacturing. As construction is now finished, test runs and demos are available for our partners and customers. At the same time, we provide trainings and joint development projects." so the management.
Trials are undertaken on a regular basis at the Preform R&D Center. Various partners and suppliers are involved in testing to try out, for example, new technologies and materials to enhance the OVD process even further.