The new inserts made of the universal turning grade UT25 come in a six-insert box: space and cost saving. With the new "Box6" by Safety, less is sometimes really more: The UT25 grade provides everything needed for reliable machining of conventional materials (various steel alloys, stainless steel, cast iron). The universal applicability reduces the number of inserts to be stored. Depending on geometry, the Box6 UT25 replaces one or two conventional packs of ten. Thus thanks to its versatility one grade does the job of five others, reducing storage and procurement costs.
Universal solution for turning applications
Safety has developed UT25 for machining a variety of materials. Despite its universality, it covers any application from roughing to finishing. The result is always good, even with older machines.
The versatility of the UT25 grade gives the Box6 concept a true added benefit. Contract manufacturers in particular now need only one carbide grade for various jobs, and they can easily buy just six inserts in a box. Companies with a smaller machining department now likewise no longer have to keep ten inserts of different types in store for a job. Machine operators now basically have to pay attention to nothing but the geometry. This allows easy selection for turning.
Other advantages of the new versatile UT25 grade include high performance and layer high flaking resistance: Safety has improved wear resistance and toughness of the cutting material considerably, reducing both fractures and formation of built-up edges. Dealers can also sell smaller quantities without appearing unprofessional. And finally, UT25 also makes selection of the correct insert for turning easier for the dealer.
Photo: UT25 Box6
Caption: Box6 UT25: Buy a versatile insert type at lower cost. The UT25 turning grade allows reliable machining of all commonly used materials. The result is always good. Contract manufacturers and small businesses do not need to worry about what material may have to be turned tomorrow.
Photo: BOX6_UT25_hd_Inserts
Caption: Universal diversity of geometries: the available insert geometries PM4, PM5, PF5 and M5 cover a wide machining range.