BASF and INOCAS sign agreement to develop sustainable Macaúba oil supply in Brazil
BASF and INOCAS sign offtake agreement for Macaúba kernel oil (MKO) and Macaúba pulp oil (MPO) to further expand BASF’s…
BASF and INOCAS sign offtake agreement for Macaúba kernel oil (MKO) and Macaúba pulp oil (MPO) to further expand BASF’s…
The Plastics Center SKZ is actively involved in several work packages of the transfer network for industrial bioeconomy…
IMAP hat OroraTech, den weltweit führenden Anbieter von satellitengestützter Waldbrand-Intelligenz, erfolgreich bei sein…
Das in Kopenhagen ansässige Unternehmen REDUCED, bekannt für seine innovativen und aromatischen Upcycling-Lebensmittelzu…
Bioeconomy aims to close cycles through biotechnological processes and at the same time optimize economic work. For SMEs…
The federal and state governments as well as the EU support companies in the implementation of research projects with va…
Orange peels provide valuable bio-based epoxy resins and can be a sustainable alternative to reduce the use of petroleum…
European Circular Bioeconomy Fund (ECBF), Qbic III and Flanders Future Tech Fund (FFTF) have joined forces to provide a…
At Techtextil in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the ITA Group will be presenting its entire range of research on sustainabi…
ECBF expands its agricultural technology portfolio and invests in Weenat, the European leader in sensors used in agricul…