Automatisierte Probenvorbereitung für Next Generation Sequencing
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis genetischer krankheitsassoziierter Faktoren un…
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) ermöglicht ein besseres Verständnis genetischer krankheitsassoziierter Faktoren un…
Since many years PCR methods and protocols are part of standard research, diagnostic assays and projects in academia and…
With the acquisition of life-science company AJ Innuscreen GmbH in Berlin, Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG was able…
Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) richtet zur weiteren Stärkung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Deutschla…
After the 68th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo (AACC), GILUPI GmbH announces that it has received EN…
Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced the launch of the SeqCap RNA Target Enrichment System for RNA-Seq applicati…
Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced the launch of the SeqCap Epi Target Enrichment System for DNA methylation a…
Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) and Kapa Biosystems announced today a partnership to provide an optimized NGS target…
Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today that The Centre for Genomic Research (CGR) at the University of Liver…
GATC Biotech, the European leader for DNA sequencing, has designed InView(TM) 1-Week Exome Diagnostic especially for dia…