Logistics Hall of Fame to Launch Entry Phase 2025
The Logistics Hall of Fame will soon elect a new member: Who has had a lasting impact on logistics and deserves inductio…
The Logistics Hall of Fame will soon elect a new member: Who has had a lasting impact on logistics and deserves inductio…
The application portal for the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in Humanitarian Logistics is open again. From now on,…
A recent survey on the state of public private partnerships for managing humanitarian logistics, supported by the Logist…
- Conference offers opportunities for stakeholders in humanitarian supply chain management to exchange views on chall…
Humanitarian organization Strategies for Northern Development from Kenya accepts Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in H…
Second edition of the event on humanitarian supply chain management takes place in Berlin on December 5. International…
Logistics Hall of Fame Council nominates four candidates each in Berlin. The final decision will be made by the jury.…
In 2024, the new jury members will be able to help decide for the first time who will enter the international logistics…
Award recognizes humanitarian organizations that have successfully implemented supply chain management projects. The ap…
Stakeholders in humanitarian logistics exchange views on major challenges and possible solutions in Berlin. Logistics…