The SyncroPatch 384 is installed at the FDA for cardiac safety pharmacology studies
Nanion is pleased to announce that a SyncroPatch 384 instrument has been installed at the Food and Drug Administration (…
Nanion is pleased to announce that a SyncroPatch 384 instrument has been installed at the Food and Drug Administration (…
According to a recent survey among automated patch clamp users, performed by HTStec Ltd., respondents favour Nanion’s in…
Dr. Costantin has a solid and highly impressive track record in customer relation management, in-depth knowledge of ion…
Scientific Director Dr. Winston Shim and his research group aim at restoring compromised heart tissue by using stem cell…
Nanion Technologies, an innovative German-based company providing high quality devices for ion channel research and drug…
The SyncroPatch 384/768PE offers the highest throughput in automated patch clamping history. The SyncroPatch 384/768PE f…
Das Management Team der Nanion Technologies GmbH ist eine von drei Nominierten für den Deutschen Zukunftspreis, den Prei…
Nanion recently introduced the SyncroPatch 384 Patch Engine (PE), an instrument for HTS-compatible ion channel screening…
The brand-new SyncroPatch 384 Patch Engine (PE) now released by Nanion Technologies propels ion channel drug discovery t…