DLaTGS - The Next Detector Generation
Pyroelectric detectors for analytical devices have been part of the InfraTec portfolio for over 20 years. Until today, t…
Pyroelectric detectors for analytical devices have been part of the InfraTec portfolio for over 20 years. Until today, t…
The PyrIQ® Evaluation Kit from InfraTec supports customers in the initial testing of the digital PyrIQ® detectors withou…
With the LIM-082, for the first time InfraTec offers a beam splitter detector in a TO39 housing in current mode. In addi…
Mit dem LIM-082 bietet InfraTec erstmalig einen Strahlteilerdetektor in einem TO39-Gehäuse im Strombetrieb. Neben dem in…
The HYT939P with PTFE filter is the optimal humidity and temperature sensor component for industrial drying applications…
Analogue pyroelectric detectors from InfraTec have been used in a number of different customer applications for over 30…
Seit über 30 Jahren kommen analoge pyroelektrische Detektoren von InfraTec in verschiedenen Kundenapplikationen zum Eins…
Pyroelectric detectors in current mode have been the state-of-the-art for a long time. Anyone looking for miniaturised m…
Weltweit steigt die Nachfrage nach modernster Sensortechnologie. InfraTec beobachtet solche Bedürfnisse von Industrie un…
The demand for most advanced sensor technology is increasing throughout the world. Aware of these needs of industry and…