Revolutionizing Disaster Recovery with Solutions from Telecommunications
Natural and man-made disasters can be incredibly devastating and require well-organized responses across various organiz…
Natural and man-made disasters can be incredibly devastating and require well-organized responses across various organiz…
If you have filled even a single role of operations and engineering in the telecom industry, you know it can get quite c…
At the recent O-RAN ALLIANCE Global PlugFest Fall 2023, hosted at the i14y Lab in Berlin – supported by Deutsche Telekom…
If you have filled even a single role of operations and engineering in the telecom industry, you know it can get quite c…
At the i14y Lab, Rohde & Schwarz, VIAVI and Benetel combined their industry-leading capabilities to showcase their integ…
At the recent i14y Lab Open RAN services and platforms PlugFest, which was part of the O-RAN ALLIANCE Global PlugFest Fa…
At the recent i14y Lab Summit 2022 in Berlin, Rohde & Schwarz has showcased as one of the lab’s partners its proven and…
Telekommunikationsanbieter stehen heute überall vor der Herausforderung, auch bei hohem Kostendruck die hohe Zahl an Ku…
Arvato Systems is SAP "Service Providers, Media & Telco - Partner of the Year 2022". Further awards as focus partner for…
Arvato Systems ist SAP „Service Providers, Media & Telco - Partner des Jahres 2022“ Weitere Auszeichnungen als Fokuspart…