Rohde & Schwarz first to achieve GCF approval for 5G FR2 RRM standalone mode conformance test cases
The latest radio resource management (RRM) conformance work item from the Global Certification Forum (GCF) has reached “…
The latest radio resource management (RRM) conformance work item from the Global Certification Forum (GCF) has reached “…
. Hall: 10 / Stand number: 10H35 Kyungwoo Systech, a global leader in industrial safety solutions, is proud to introduc…
ESP32-H4 caters to increasing demands for low-power wireless devices, boasting significant upgrades in power consumption…
Der ESP32-H4 erfüllt die steigende Nachfrage nach drahtlosen Geräten mit geringem Stromverbrauch und bietet erhebliche V…
In the sophisticated domain of radio frequency (RF) direction finding, precision and adaptability are paramount. Narda's…
Rohde & Schwarz and Samsung have collaborated to verify secure ranging test cases for the ultra-wideband (UWB) PHY layer…
Mouser Electronics, Inc., the industry's leading New Product Introduction (NPI) distributor with the widest selection of…
Auf der Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 in Stuttgart zeigt Rohde &; Schwarz eine breite Palette modernster Testlösun…
At Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2023 in Stuttgart, Rohde & Schwarz will demonstrate a wide range of cutting-edge test…
At CES 2023 in Las Vegas, Rohde & Schwarz will present the R&S ATS1500C radar test chamber - a complete test solution fo…