KNDS annual results 2024: Another year of growth records for KNDS
With an increase in its order intake of more than 40% over the previous year, the Franco-German defense group KNDS achie…
With an increase in its order intake of more than 40% over the previous year, the Franco-German defense group KNDS achie…
Group sales at €1,530.0 million significantly below the previous year (2023: €1,904.1 million) EBITDA decreases from €31…
“Jenoptik successfully closed the fiscal year 2024, achieving the revenue and earnings targets we set at the beginning o…
In 2023, global automobile sales reached 92.72 million units, with new energy vehicle (NEV) sales accounting for 14.65 m…
• EBIT margin 14.8% (previous year 15.1%) • Order intake CHF 519.5 million, +3.2% in local currencies • Sales…
Fiscal year 2024 • Consolidated sales grow significantly by 36% to €9,751 million, sales in the defence business increas…
. Geschäftsjahr 2024 • Konzernumsatz steigt deutlich um 36% auf 9.751 MioEUR, Umsatz im militärischen Geschäft erhöh…
Sales drop by 19.7% to €1,530.0million (2023: €1,904.1million) EBITDA reduces from €311.0million to −€16.0million Earni…
Due to customers’ continued willingness to invest, Krones increased its order intake compared to the previous year’s…
. Q3 sales at previous year’s level and adjusted EBITDA margin improves significantly to 9.2 percent Incoming orders u…