The LUM Science Prize Young Scientist Award 2024 goes to Amin Said Amin, University of Duisburg-Essen
From June 10th to 11th, 2024, LUM GmbH hosted the 11th International Conference on Dispersion Analysis and Materials Tes…
From June 10th to 11th, 2024, LUM GmbH hosted the 11th International Conference on Dispersion Analysis and Materials Tes…
In keeping with the trade fair's motto “inspiring sustainable connections”, Flottweg will be presenting efficient and su…
On June 10th and 11th, 2024, LUM GmbH will be hosting the 11th International Conference on Dispersion Analysis and Mater…
The pale patch of light under the striking "Sky W" barely caught the eye. Little Insa was hardly impressed by the unspec…
Until 15th December, 2023, all customers of Dunn Labortechnik receive a special discount of up to 27 % for all devices m…
Auftragseingang mit 1,38 Mrd. EUR (Q2 2022: 1,40 Mrd. EUR) um 1,6 Prozent leicht unter Vorjahr; jedoch mit organischem W…
To function properly and last for a long time in the human body, orthopedic implants require precisely defined finishes…
Functional reliability, cost-effectiveness and the use of environmentally friendly technology were the particular challe…
203 Aussteller, 381 Marken, rund 9.000 Teilnehmer nahmen vom 27. bis 29. April an der Messe in Istanbul teil Hoher Bedar…
Avec la mondialisation avancée, la croissance rapide de la population mondiale et les évolutions, que nous connaissons a…