Eurex implements organizational changes to drive future growth
Matthias Graulich and Jens Quiram to obtain new roles for product development and sales across Equity/Index, Fixed I…
Matthias Graulich and Jens Quiram to obtain new roles for product development and sales across Equity/Index, Fixed I…
Today, Ubisoft announced that it is accelerating its transformation by taking an important step in rapidly evolving its…
Germany – MoovIT – the workflow specialist and Adobe SI partner – and CHESA – the US-based video solution partner and sy…
GravitHy, a future low-carbon iron producer, announces a €60 million funding round – which includes public funds from th…
The Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG has approved a major overhaul of its top management at an extraord…
Der Aufsichtsrat der thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG hat im Rahmen einer außerordentlichen Sitzung die Neuordnung seines To…
SIG is proud to announce the continued success of its SIG Terra portfolio, with a 15% increase in sales for SIG Terra pa…
Tania von der Goltz, CFO of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HEIDELBERG), has in-formed the company's Supervisory Board a…
Die Versicherungsplattform SMART INSUR hat ihre Tarifbewertung nach Verbraucherschutzkriterien (Smart Check) um eine n…
Adobe hat wichtige Innovationen vorgestellt, die die Customer Experience Orchestration (CXO) im Zeitalter der Künstliche…