BASF Coatings increases production capacities in Caojing, China to meet growing Automotive demand in Asia Pacific
Production capacity of polyester and polyurethane resins used in automotive spraycoats increased Additional capacities e…
Production capacity of polyester and polyurethane resins used in automotive spraycoats increased Additional capacities e…
The effective production, storage and utilization of hydrogen as an environmentally neutral fuel is a relevant factor in…
Design and Personalization: Crafting a Unique Look When it comes to designing a luxury garage, the devil is in the deta…
Introduction to Oven Hardening of Steel Ever thought about hardening steel in your kitchen oven? Sounds a bit wild, rig…
As a specialist in functional coatings, SurTec showcases its comprehensive range of solutions at the Fastener Fair Globa…
Als Spezialist für Oberflächentechnik stellt SurTec auf der Fastener Fair Global 2025 sein umfangreiches Portfolio an „F…
Introduction to Ice Fishing Gear Ice fishing, you know, it's not just about dropping a line in a hole and hoping for th…
Unter die Bezeichnung per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen (PFAS) fallen mehrere tausend chemische Verbindungen, di…
MilkyMist, a renowned dairy innovator from South India, has teamed up with SIG and AnaBio Technologies to introduce the…
Sculpting made easy peasy – with RAMPF’s brand-new RAKU® TOOL EZ-PZ putty epoxies for the sculpting and architectural in…