RECORD Study Proves Efficacy and Safety of BIOTRONIK Closed Loop Stimulation (CLS) Pacemaker Therapy
Breakthrough results from more than 700 patients studied in the largest-ever clinical investigation of BIOTRONIK CLS pac…
Breakthrough results from more than 700 patients studied in the largest-ever clinical investigation of BIOTRONIK CLS pac…
Die Ergebnisse der bisher größten klinischen Untersuchung von BIOTRONIK Schrittmachern mit CLS an über 700 Patienten wur…
BIOTRONIK, the pioneer in remote monitoring technologies for patients with cardiac devices, has launched its revolutiona…
BIOTRONIK GmbH & Co. KG gibt die CE-Zulassung und den Start der MASTER-Studie der Cylos 990 Herzschrittmacherfamilie be…