People recognition systems can prevent accidents and potentially save lives
Hall: 10, Stand-Nr.: 10C16 - Working around mobile machinery can be dangerous, as damage or serious injury can occur in…
Hall: 10, Stand-Nr.: 10C16 - Working around mobile machinery can be dangerous, as damage or serious injury can occur in…
Introduction to Design Packaging Design packaging is more than just wrapping a product. It plays a crucial role in how…
Digitalisation presents both opportunities and risks for hospitals: Automated and digitalised processes reduce the workl…
Adobe hat heute zum Auftakt der Adobe MAX 2024 – der weltweit größten Kreativkonferenz – die globale Kreativ-Community z…
Back in the day when Japan reached a peak phase of economic growth in the 1960s and the retail sector realized many sale…
Sound waves can reveal surface properties. Parameters such as surface or coating quality of components can be analyzed n…
Adobe hat heute KI Assistent (engl. AI Assistant) in der Beta-Version vorgestellt, eine neue generative, KI-gestützte Ko…
Avnet Abacus, one of Europe’s leading distributors in interconnect, passive, electro-mechanical plus complimentary lead…
Martin Giersberg Sola was honoured twice within a single month for his outstanding master's thesis on the topic of "Deve…
Forschungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich Menschen für ein robustes Sprachverständnis sowohl unter ruhigen als a…