Metal bellows coupling KM
It has proven itself on the market for decades as a reliable and inexpensive standard series of metal bellows couplings:…
It has proven itself on the market for decades as a reliable and inexpensive standard series of metal bellows couplings:…
Die unfreiwillige Schonfrist hält weiter an; noch immer gibt es kein genaues Datum, ab dem die EU-Richtlinie NIS-2 offiz…
Der Startschuss für ein Netzwerk dezentraler Rechenzentren in Zentraleuropa ist gefallen: HOCHTIEF, ein technisch ausger…
Introduction to Dolomite in Steel Making Dolomite, a mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, has found its nic…
Modern packaging solutions for food aim to ensure a longer shelf life as well as the protection and freshness of the pro…
The 8th International Conference “ALD FOR INDUSTRY” has once again bridged the gap between basic research, industrializa…
Die 8. Internationale Konferenz „ALD FOR INDUSTRY“ hat erneut die Brücke zwischen Grundlagenforschung, Industrialisierun…
Die Albin Kistler AG setzt für ihr digitales Kundenmanagement auf die integrative Softwarelösung des Schweizer Branchens…
In an effort to improve both the cost efficiency and quality of hydrogen-powered vehicle production, a consortium of Fra…
Digital boundaries are vector-based datasets that precisely map administrative, postal, and micro-geographic boundaries.…