Sunrise deploys Orga Systems’ real-time charging and billing platform OPSC Gold
Paderborn (Germany), 26 June 2012: Sunrise, the largest private telecommunications provider in Switzerland, has started…
Paderborn (Germany), 26 June 2012: Sunrise, the largest private telecommunications provider in Switzerland, has started…
According to leading analysts, the telematics sector represents one of the greatest business opportunities for Machine-t…
According to leading analysts, the telematics sector represents one of the greatest business opportunities for Machine-t…
The climate for telcos in the MEA region is getting tougher and more challenging by the moment. Although this story is f…
Transportation Telematics has seen a surge of interest in the deployment of M2M applications. Real-time tracking and pos…
Os aspectos complementares da redução de custos e do aumento de receitas prometem um amplo leque de oportunidades para o…
Los aspectos complementarios de la reducción de costes y la generación de ingresos les brindan una multitud de nuevas op…
The complementary aspects of cost reduction and revenue enhancement promise utilities a multitude of new opportunities.…
Das Angebot vorausbezahlter Energieleistungen, ähnlich dem bekannten Prepaid-System aus dem Mobilfunkbereich, ist auf Wa…
Paderborn (Alemanha), Kiev (Ucrânia) 5 de julho 2011: Por mais de meio ano, a life:), uma operadora de telefonia móvel d…