Infrabel deploys Europe’s first 64G Fibre Channel over WDM solution with Adtran’s S-Flex™
Belgian rail infrastructure manager required major network capacity boost to meet the growing data demands of modern ope…
Belgian rail infrastructure manager required major network capacity boost to meet the growing data demands of modern ope…
Pulse Fibre required a scalable fiber access solution to connect over 250,000 more households with ultra-fast services A…
Service providers are now looking to deploy networks beyond 10G PON to meet the data needs of tomorrow’s homes and busin…
The winner of the ACHEMA Start-up Award 2024 is re.solution. The start-up recycles textiles containing polyester using a…
In this interview, Antonio Castelo, EPIC’s Technology Manager for Bio-Medical and Lasers, talks to Christian Raith, CEO…
Green hydrogen is a key technology for implementing the energy turnaround. With this versatile energy source, renewable…
Digitalisation in industry is increasing rapidly. Data volumes are also rising quickly accordingly. A future-proof commu…
HellermannTyton, UK, a global leader in cable management and protection products, identification systems and network con…
The COVID pandemic has made a drastic impact on society, not only on our health but if we look at the industrial aspects…
In a highly competitive Pathfinder Open call, the European R&D project reaCtor has been selected by the European Innovat…